Help with error invalid operands
Nov 17, 2014 at 10:24pm Nov 17, 2014 at 10:24pm UTC
I am getting an error in my program that I am writing, and I am not sure how to go about fixing it. The error is on line 42, invalid operands of types 'const char[2]' and 'const char[14]' to binary 'operator<<' any help would be appreciated.
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#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
double compALocalCharge(double );
double compALongDisCharge(double );
double compBLocalCharge(double &);
double compBLongDisCharge(double &);
int main()
ifstream inputFile;"E:/CSC_133/lab6data.dat" ); //Opens input file
//Declare Variables
double monthlyRateA = 10.00;//The monthly rate for service for company A
double monthlyRateB = 7.00; //The monthly rate for service for company B
double phoneNum;
char code;
double localMin;
double longDistMin;
double totalCharges; //total from local and long distances charges added togather
double subtotalA; //all total charges added together for company A
double subtotalB; //all total charges added together for company B
double grandTotal; //all subtotals added together
cout<<"Telephone Number" <<"\t" <<"Telephone Code" <<"\t" <<"Local Charges" <<"\t" <<"Long Distance Charges" <"\t" <<"Total Charges" <<endl;
while (inputFile)
cout<<"\t" <<"\t" <<code;
if (code == 'A' )
totalCharges = 0;
totalCharges = totalCharges + monthlyRateA;
totalCharges = totalCharges + compALocalCharge(localMin);
totalCharges = totalCharges + compALongDisCharge(longDistMin);
subtotalA = subtotalA + totalCharges;
else if (code == 'B' )
totalCharges = 0;
totalCharges = totalCharges + monthlyRateB;
totalCharges = totalCharges + compBLocalCharge(localMin);
totalCharges = totalCharges + compBLongDisCharge(longDistMin);
subtotalB = subtotalB + totalCharges;
cout<<"\t" <<subtotalA;
cout<<"\t" <<subtotalB;
grandTotal = subtotalA + subtotalB;
cout<<"\t" <<"\t" <<"\t" <<grandTotal;
system ("pause" );
return 0;
} // End of main function
double compALocalCharge(double local)
double monthlyCharge;
if (local <= 60.0)
double monthlyCharge = 0.0;
monthlyCharge = monthlyCharge + 0.0;
cout<<"\t" <<"0.00" ;
else if (local > 60.0)
double monthlyCharge;
monthlyCharge = (local - 60.0) * 0.25;
cout<<"\t" <<monthlyCharge;
return monthlyCharge;
double compALongDisCharge(double longDistance)
double monthlyCharge;
if (longDistance <= 100.0)
double monthlyCharge;
monthlyCharge = longDistance * 0.20;
cout<<"\t" <<monthlyCharge;
else if (longDistance > 100.0)
double monthlyCharge;
monthlyCharge = (100.0 * 0.20) + ((longDistance - 100.0)*0.17);
cout<<"\t" <<monthlyCharge;
return monthlyCharge;
double compBLocalCharge(double & localMin)
double monthlyCharge;
if (localMin <= 30.0)
double monthlyCharge;
monthlyCharge = monthlyCharge + 0.0;
cout<<"\t" <<"0.00" ;
else if ( localMin > 30.0)
double monthlyCharge;
monthlyCharge = (localMin - 30.0)*0.20;
cout<<"\t" <<monthlyCharge;
return monthlyCharge;
double compBLongDistanceCharge(double & longDistMin)
double monthlyCharge;
if (longDistMin <= 200.0)
double monthlyCharge;
monthlyCharge = (longDistMin * 0.25);
cout<<"\t" <<monthlyCharge;
else if (longDistMin > 200.0)
double monthlyCharge;
monthlyCharge= (200.0 * 0.25) + ((longDistMin - 200.0)* 0.18);
cout<<"\t" <<monthlyCharge;
return monthlyCharge;
Nov 17, 2014 at 10:48pm Nov 17, 2014 at 10:48pm UTC
There's a single < that should be a <<
cout<<"Telephone Number" <<"\t" <<"Telephone Code" <<"\t" <<"Local Charges" <<"\t" <<"Long Distance Charges" < "\t"
You'll also need to fix the discrepancy in function name if these are supposed to be the same function.
1 2
double compBLongDisCharge(double &);
double compBLongDistanceCharge(double & longDistMin)
Last edited on Nov 17, 2014 at 10:50pm Nov 17, 2014 at 10:50pm UTC
Nov 17, 2014 at 10:56pm Nov 17, 2014 at 10:56pm UTC
Well I feel pretty foolish for missing that, thank you for the help.
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