cout << endl;
cout <<" Program will calculate the position and velocity of a falling object. ";
cout << endl << endl <<endl;
cout <<" Enter the initial height in feet (above 1000): ";
cin >> height;
cout << endl;
while ( height < POSITIVE_HEIGHT )
{ cout << " Invalid answer. Must enter height over 1000:" << endl;
cout << " Enter the initial height in feet (above 1000): ";
cin >> height;
cout << endl; }
cout <<" Enter the intial velocity in ft/sec: ";
cin >> velocity;
cout << endl;
cout <<"Enter the time: ";
cin >> moment;
while ( velocity < VELOCITY_LIMIT )
{ cout << " Invalid answer. Must enter velocity over -500:" << endl;
cout << " Enter the velocity above -500): ";
cin >> velocity;
cout << endl; }
return exp(Position_EQUATION * square)+ (startVELOCITY * time) + tall;
exp() doesn't return the square of the parameter, it returns e raised to the power of the parameter. To square a number, use pow(x,2) or x*x, which is faster.
Also, I think your formula is wrong. After t time with g gravity, an object starting at v velocity and h height will be at a height of -.5gt2+vt+h.
It's important to note that -.5gt2 is the same as -.5g(t2), not (-.5gt)2.