C++ Nested Loops PrintArrowProgram

Hi there, I've recently started coding in C++ and was given a task of creating a program that can print arrows using nested For loops.

Link to my current code: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/12dffb5b916f68b8ccfe
What I'm trying to achieve: http://puu.sh/cMuPv/5a59ac4e0d.png
7 in Length, 7 in HeadWidth, 3 in TailWidth. Drawchar gives the symbol to print with.
My problem however is printing the tail. I cannot get the spaces correct so the tail moves into the correct position. I've tried brute forcing it with no luck.
Part of the code I believe to be the problem:

Any hints towards sorting my problem would be much appreciated. however I do not want an exact answer or code to sort the problem as I must be able to do this myself.

The first for loop was written by my teacher, so any explanations on how I could use that code again for my own for loop would be a great help as well.
Thanks in advance.
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