I've been struggling with C++ since day one and have been barely surviving. The assignment I'm working on now is to write a definition of the function moveNthFront that takes as a parameter a positive integer, n. The function moves the nth element of the queue to the front. The order of the remaining elements remains unchanged. I don't understand how I'm going to move Nth element. I also have to add this function to the class queueType and write a program to test my method. I don't have very much so far and I don't even know if it's right. Can someone point me in the right direction? I'm using MS Visual C++ 2010. Thank you.
Hi you can use another queue to assist you
Because a queue is a FIFO structure we will hold the nth value in another variable then store the rest of the variables in a temporal queue while emptying the original queue and then load them into the original
Queue again with the nth element leading
template <class Type>
void queuetype<Type>::moveNthFront( int n)
queue <Type> temp;
Type val; // will hold the variable to be moved
/*myq;*/// I dint see where your queue is coz you dint mention it as a param, so I assume it is a class
///member say myq.
int count=1;
while (!myq.empty ())/// lets empty the whole queue
if (count==n)/// hold nth element in a temporal variable
{val=myq.front (); myq.pop ();}
temp.push (myq.front ());
myq.pop ();
}///original queue is empty now
/// let's make our variable the first element of the myq
myq.push (val);
while (! temp.empty ())/// load the rest into myq
myq.push (temp.front ());
temp.pop ();