I'm trying to write a program that will randomly shuffle a string input by the user. At the moment it's outputting some garbage. Here's what I have so far:
#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
#include <string.h>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
usingnamespace std;
//prototype of function stringMix
void StringMix(char user_string[], char empty_string[]);
int main()
bool tryAgain = true;// defines tryAgain bool and sets to true
char user_string[50];
char empty_string[50];
cout << "Enter a phrase here: " << endl;
cin.getline(user_string, 50);
//this loop continues each time the user chooses y, ends if n
while(tryAgain == true)
StringMix(user_string, empty_string);
cout << empty_string << endl;
string choice;
cout << "Would you like to reshuffle? Y or N: " << endl;
cin >> choice;
if (choice != "Y" && choice != "y")
tryAgain = false;
return 0;
Uses empty_string to store a random shuffle of user_string.
void StringMix(char user_string[], char empty_string[])
unsigned seed;
seed = time(0);
int strLength = strlen(user_string); //length of userString
int randNum; //random numbers
char spare; //to hold characters being switched
int len = strLength - 1;
int x;
for (x = 0; len > 0; x++)
x = rand() % len;
spare = empty_string[len];
empty_string[len] = empty_string[x];
empty_string[x] = spare;
int j; //initialize int j
//loop through elements of third array
for (j = 0; j < strLength; j++)
//pring elements of third array
cout << empty_string[j] << endl;
Enter a phrase here:
eat me
Would you like to reshuffle? Y or N:
Can someone give me a hint as to where I should go with this?
I've come up with solution that may satisfy your needs
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void StringMix(char arr[]) // instead of making a new array we can change the original
int len = strlen(arr);
for(int i = 0; i < len; ++i)
int random_index = random() % len;
arr[i] = arr[i] + arr[random_index] - (arr[random_index] = arr[i]); // we just swap two letters each time
Thank you rich1. This looks promising. Maybe you could help me to understand it a little better. When I tried to implement it I got a segmentation fault. Here's my full program and output:
#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
#include <string>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
usingnamespace std;
//prototype of function stringMix
void StringMix(char user_string[]);
int main()
bool tryAgain = true;// defines tryAgain bool and sets to true
char user_string[50];// user input string
string choice;// stores user's choice y or n
//ask user to type a phrase
cout << "Enter a phrase here: " << endl;
cin.getline(user_string, 50); //store user input
//this loop continues each time the user chooses y, ends if n
while(tryAgain == true)
//call string mix function
cout << user_string << endl;//print string
//ask user if they would like to reshuffle
cout << "Would you like to reshuffle? Y or N: " << endl;
cin >> choice; //store choice
if (choice != "Y" && choice != "y")
tryAgain = false;// if user chooses y
return 0;
Uses empty_string to store a random shuffle of user_string.
void StringMix(char user_string[])
unsigned seed;
seed = time(0);
int len = strlen(user_string); //length of userString
int random_index; //random position in string
int i;
for (i = 0; len > 0; i++)
int random_index = random() % len; //get random index
user_string[i] = user_string[i] + user_string[random_index] -
(user_string [random_index] = user_string[i]);
Enter a phrase here:
Segmentation fault: 11
That surely can't be true as you are using the input/output functions and the PRNG rand() and a few other functions. Maybe you mean functions you have yet to learn?
Also if you want a really basic and not very effective shuffle you could do something like
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for(int i = 0; i < strSize; ++i)
int pos = rand() % strSize;
char temp = str[i];
str[i] = str[pos];
str[pos] = temp;
By the way you should only seed once and at the beginning of the program.
rich1, I made that change and I'm still getting junk. I've tried a couple different methods of shuffling the string (including giblit's above), and I just get different kinds of junk. I'm really perplexed at this point.
As I mentioned before though this isn't a very good shuffle if you ask me. But it is something you can start with and then make the necessary fixes to.
Either way it is just a slightly modified version of your original
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int x;
for (x = 0; len > 0; x++)
x = rand() % len;
spare = empty_string[len];
empty_string[len] = empty_string[x];
empty_string[x] = spare;
notice how I used 2 variables though, 1 to keep track of current position and 1 for the random position.
Thank you again, giblit. I'm getting closer. In my version I have to use c-style strings. I like your example coda above. I wonder if you could help me understand a couple of details.
First, could you explain line 10. I have not seen a string declared this way before, where it is equal to " ".
Second, on line 18 - "size_t i = 0u". What is '0u'? I've not seen this before.
Another alternative would be to iterate n amount of times then swap that random index with index 0.
Something like
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for(int i = 0; i < iterations; ++i) //iterations would be best if it was >= the str size
int index = rand() % strSize;
char temp = str[0];
str[0] = str[index];
str[index] = temp;