Hello, I am attempting to create my own version of A*. The trouble I'm having is mainly that my program isn't finding the closed nodes properly. And all in all I'm not sure if I'm even doing it the right way. Is there anyone that can help point me in the right direction?
std::vector<int> PathFinder::findPath(Node &start, Node &finish)
// Initalize variables
for(std::vector<Node*>::iterator it = map.begin() ; it != map.end(); ++it)
// Reset our list
(*it)->Gvalue = 10;
(*it)->Hvalue = 0;
(*it)->searchX = 0;
(*it)->searchY = 0;
foundFinish = false;
std::vector<int> result;
// Set our parent node to the start of the search area
nodeParent = &start;
// Add our parent node to the open list
// to search for surrounding nodes
// For debugging
// Search for surrounding nodes not in the closed list
for(unsignedint i=0; i < openList.size(); i++)
// IF we've found the finish
if(openList[i]->x == finish.x && openList[i]->y == finish.y)
foundFinish = true;
// If we've found the finish
if(openList[i]->x == finish.x && openList[i]->y == finish.y)
// We've found the node, so finish here
foundFinish = true;
// Exit out of the loop
for(std::vector<Node*>::iterator it = map.begin() ; it != map.end(); ++it)
// Find node to the left of us
if(((*it)->x == openList[i]->x-32 && (*it)->y == openList[i]->y))
if(!checkClosed(*it) && !checkOpen(*it))
// Add to the GValue
(*it)->Gvalue += openList[i]->Gvalue;
// Set our Hvalue to the shortest path
// Calculate our Fvalue F = G + H
// Find node to the left-diagonal of us
if(((*it)->x == openList[i]->x-32 && (*it)->y == openList[i]->y-32))
if(!checkClosed(*it) && !checkOpen(*it))
// Add to the GValue
(*it)->Gvalue += openList[i]->Gvalue + 4;
// Set our Hvalue to the shortest path
// Calculate our Fvalue F = G + H
// Find node to the right of us
if((*it)->x == openList[i]->x+32 && (*it)->y == openList[i]->y)
if(!checkClosed(*it) && !checkOpen(*it))
// Add to the GValue
(*it)->Gvalue += openList[i]->Gvalue;
// Set our Hvalue to the shortest path
// Calculate our Fvalue F = G + H
// Find node to the right- diagonal of us
if((*it)->x == openList[i]->x+32 && (*it)->y == openList[i]->y-32)
if(!checkClosed(*it) && !checkOpen(*it))
// Add to the GValue
(*it)->Gvalue += openList[i]->Gvalue + 4;
// Set our Hvalue to the shortest path
// Calculate our Fvalue F = G + H
// Find node below us
if((*it)->x == openList[i]->x && (*it)->y == openList[i]->y + 32)
if(!checkClosed(*it) && !checkOpen(*it))
// Add to the GValue
(*it)->Gvalue += openList[i]->Gvalue;
// Set our Hvalue to the shortest path
// Calculate our Fvalue F = G + H
// Find node right-below diagonal us
if((*it)->x == openList[i]->x + 32 && (*it)->y == openList[i]->y + 32)
if(!checkClosed(*it) && !checkOpen(*it))
// Add to the GValue
(*it)->Gvalue += openList[i]->Gvalue + 4;
// Set our Hvalue to the shortest path
// Calculate our Fvalue F = G + H
// Find node above us
if((*it)->x == openList[i]->x && (*it)->y == openList[i]->y-32)
if(!checkClosed(*it) && !checkOpen(*it))
// Add to the GValue
(*it)->Gvalue += openList[i]->Gvalue;
// Set our Hvalue to the shortest path
// Calculate our Fvalue F = G + H
// Find node above-left diagonal us
if((*it)->x == openList[i]->x-32 && (*it)->y == openList[i]->y-32)
if(!checkClosed(*it) && !checkOpen(*it))
// Add to the GValue
(*it)->Gvalue += openList[i]->Gvalue + 4;
// Set our Hvalue to the shortest path
// Calculate our Fvalue F = G + H
// Remove the current node from the open list to the closed list
std::sort(openList.begin(), openList.end(), sortByFValue);
i = 0;
// After for loop