xcode help

Oct 27, 2014 at 11:12pm
my program isn't reading from a .txt file that i created can some tell me where i went wrong

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip> // to use setw()
using namespace std;

ifstream infile;
void readstudid (int&, ifstream &);
void grade (int&, int&, int&, ifstream &);
void score(double&, int, int, int);
void Table (int, int, int, int, double, char);
double CalcPassPer (int);
void perpass (double);

void readstuid (int& studid, ifstream& inputfile){
//reads studentid from file
void grade (int& grade1, int& grade2, int& grade3, ifstream & inputfile){ //reads in grade from file

void score(double& average, int grade1, int grade2, int grade3){
int sum = 0;
sum+= grade1 + grade2 + grade3;
average = sum/3.0; //calc average score

void Table (int studid, int grade1, int grade2, int grade3, double average, char pass){ //prints table value under headings

double CalcPassPer (int passstudent){
double percent; //must declare percent
percent = passstudent/5.0 * (100); //computing the percent
return percent;
void perpass (double percent) { //This function prints the percent directly under the chart
cout<<"\n"<<percent<<"% of students passed"<<endl;

int main()
int studid, grade1, grade2, grade3, passstudent = 0;
double average, percent;
char pass;
//Opening Inpute file
infile.open ("grades.txt");

cout<<"StudentID\tTest1\tTest2\tTest3\tAverage\tPass or Fail"<<endl; //Table heading

while(studid!=-1) {
grade (grade1, grade2, grade3,infile);
score (average,grade1, grade2, grade3);

if (average >= 70){
passstudent++; //count the number of students who passed

Table (studid, grade1, grade2, grade3, average, pass);
//Percentage function and Print Percent function is called outside of loop.
percent=CalcPassPer (passstudent);
perpass (percent);

return 0;
Oct 27, 2014 at 11:22pm
when i open files in Xcode i have to include the path, like so


maybe that will work?
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