// This program will read in the qunatity of a particular item and its price.
// It will then print out the total price.
// The input will come from a data file and the output will go to
// an output file.
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
usingnamespace std;
int main()
ifstream dataIn; // defines an input stream for a data file
ofstream dataOut; // defines an output stream for an output file
int quantity; // contains the amount of items purchased
float itemPrice; // contains the price of each item
float totalBill; // contains the total bill. The price of all items
dataIn.open("transaction.dat"); // This opens the file.
// Fill in the appropriate code in the blank below
_________<< setprecision(2) << fixed << showpoint; // formatted output
// Fill in the input statement that brings in the
// quantity and price of the item.
// Fill in the assignment statement that determines the totalbill.
// Fill in the output statement that prints the total bill, with a label,
// to an output.
return 0;