Visual Studio Step by Step F11

Hello everybody,

When i push F11 to debug step by step in C++ Visual Studio, it takes me all through intern files and classes. For exemple, if I have a "cout" in my code, it'll take me through the iostream files, which is really boring.

Is there a way to avoid this?

thank you in advance
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try step over instead of step in F10
there are several step buttons on the debug bar.
F11 = Step Into (will step into any function call made by the current line of code.)
F10 = Step Over (will step over any function call made by the current line of code, proceeding to the next line in the current function)
Shift+F11 = Step Out. (will step out of the current function call, proceeding with the first line of code in the function which called the current line)

Generally you use F11 and F10 for most cases, Shift+F11 is useful if you find yourself in the middle of some standard library code and don't want to skip through all of it.
Oh yes,

very useful using F11 and F10.

Thanks dudes
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