Ok, I highlighted my problem area at the end of my code in bold (line 103 on). What I'm trying to do with that function is to compare my two arrays. If the text entered (for option 2) matches the code in the originally entered text ('text' array), then I am supposed to output that there is a match and the location of the match (starting character # in the array).
My current code keeps giving me a positive output at line '0'. I have made multiple adjustments, but just can't seem to find a way to compare the two and get feedback on it. I tried test-running multiple parts of the code, but each individual piece seems to do what I want, so I'm at a loss as to what is going wrong here? If anyone can help, I would greatly appreciate it.
usingnamespace std;
void MainMenu ();
int findText (char t[], char s[]);
string options = "-1";
char text[141]={0};
char searchText[141];
int compare=1;
int location=0;
int searchLength=0;
int main()
while (options!="0"){ // keeps loop running until user enters 0
if ((options=="2" || options=="3" || options=="4") && text[0] == 0){ // need text first error
cout << "Please enter text using option 1 first.\n\n";
if (options != "0" && options != "1" && options != "2" && options != "3" && options != "4"){ // invalid options error
cout << "Wrong choice.\n\n";
if (options=="1" && text[0]==0){ // option 1 - enter text
cout << "Please enter text (up to 140 characters): ";
if (options=="1" && text[0]!=0){ // replace text confirmation
cout << "You have already entered text. Are you sure you want to change it?\n";
cout << "Press Y (y) to continue: ";
char confirm='f';
cin >> confirm;
if (confirm == 'y'){
cout << "Please enter text (up to 140 characters): ";
cout << endl;
if (confirm != 'y')
cout << endl;
MainMenu ();
if (options=="2" && text[0]!=0){ // option 2 - searching for text NOT FINISHED!!!!
cout << "Please enter search text (up to 140 characters): ";
cin.ignore ();
findText (text, searchText);
if (compare=0){
cout << "The text was not found." << endl << endl;
if (compare=1){
cout << "The text was found at location " << location << ".";
cout << endl << endl;
MainMenu ();
// only worked on here above
if (options=="3" && text[0]!=0){ // option 3 - appending text NOT FINISHED!!!
cout << "Please enter text to be appended: ";
cout << searchText << endl;
cout << searchText << endl;
MainMenu ();
if (options=="4" && text[0]!=0){ // option 4 - letter counter NOT FINISHED!!!
// int j= strlen (searchText);
char j;
cout << j << endl << endl;
MainMenu ();
void MainMenu (){ // main menu function
cout << "Main Menu\n" << "1. Enter text.\n" << "2. Search for text.\n" << "3. Append text.\n";
cout << "4. Analysis of text.\n" << "Press 0 to quit.\n" << "Please make a choice: ";
cin >> options;
cout << endl;
int findText (char t[], char s[]){ // find text function
int size = strlen (searchText);
int inc=0;
char x=text[0];
char y=searchText[0];
while (location<140){
for (int i=0; i<=size; i++){
if (i==size){
return compare;
return location;
if (x!=y){
return compare;
return location;
Line 112, 113, and 114 are your problems. You can't return multiple things from a function- once line 112 is called, the function breaks. 113 will never be called, and the break becomes useless.
Ok, so then what I would want to do instead of using return would be to use a cout that simply prints the value to the screen, right? I know my code needs some other tweaks too, but I want to make sure I'm headed in the right direction here.
To add... If I'm not mistaken, for any global values I work with in the function (outside of the values in the 1st line of the function), they would be changed everywhere in the program, correct?
Why not return a bool to indicate whether it was found or not? The location can be passed by reference back to main in this case. All you need is the location, if it exists.
While I appreciate the feedback, I'm still having issues with my code overall. Using a bool would definitely clean it up a bit, but it won't solve my problems I'm having right now.
This is what I put together, but I keep getting incorrect answers with it:
int findText (char t[], char s[]){ // find text function
int size = strlen (searchText); // max to compare in order to have a match
int incx=0; // value used to compare place in text
int incy=0; // value used to compare place in searchText
int incx1=0; // value used to compare text after a comparison fails
char x=text[0];
char y=searchText[0];
while (location<140){
int i=0;
for (int i=0; i<size; i++){
if (i==size && x==y){
cout << "The text was found at location " << location << "." << endl << endl;
return compare;
if (x!=y){
if (x==y)
cout << "The text was not found." << endl << endl;
return compare;
So, the best idea is now to show us the errors. The way to do this is give a sample input, then the actual output, and then ... what you expect
As another tip I'd suggest you write a special test driver. Instead of giving us all your main() code just a relevant extract to test the function helps isolate problems rather than wading through it all. :)