i wrote this cod to be the password interface to my first full program
i am so beginner in programing advice me please
is this good programing or bad ???
and if this bad programing What can i do?????
is there any books can i read to improve my coding ????
Regesteration pro
this program creats a new password
cheks a user number and poassword if they correct or not
this program created on
24/sep/2009 by MOTDCS....
using namespace std;
class pass//password class
void addPW(double sNum,double sPW)//add new password function
fstream stu_sPass("studentPassW.txt",ios::app);//opens txt file to add data
stu_sPass<<sNum<<"\t\t"<<sPW<<endl;//add data to the file
stu_sPass.close();//close the file to save data
bool checkPW(double sNum,double sPW)//function to check password & number
double pass,num;//variables to save data from the file
fstream stu_rPass("studentPassW.txt");//to open file and read from
while(!stu_rPass.eof())//check if EOF file set
stu_rPass>>num;//saves the number to num var (the number is all character up to first white space)
stu_rPass>>pass;//saves the password to pass var (the pass is all character from that white space)
if((sNum==num&&sPW==pass))//checks if the pass&num are coreect
return true;
return false;
int main(void)
pass stuPass;//stuPass object from class pass
double sPW,sNum;//variables to manipulate data from main
int choice,check;//choice to manipulate the choices list,check to get check result from checkPW function
cout<<"To creat new password press 1 ...\nTo read password file press 2 ...."<<endl;
cout<<"Enter new number"<<endl;
cout<<"Enter new sPW"<<endl;
cout<<"Enter Your number"<<endl;
cout<<"Enter your sPW"<<endl;
cout<<"Welcome to my program"<<endl;
cout<<"Access denied"<<endl;
please help .....
How can you expect people to help you when your code is almost unreadable due to lack of code tags and indentation?
Without reading it properly, your main function doesn't return 0, you don't specify whether your fstream is input or output (or both) in pass::checkPW, and in main, although it would work, check should be bool seeing as it is assigned the value of what is returned by pass::checkPW.
Your constructor and destructor aren't doing anything so there's not much point in them being there. There's not much point to the class in general because all it has is its member functions which could really just be global functions. I would abandon the class.
bool checkPW(double sNum,double sPW)//function to check password & number
double pass,num;//variables to save data from the file
fstream stu_rPass("studentPassW.txt");//to open file and read from
while(!stu_rPass.eof())//check if EOF file set
stu_rPass>>num;//saves the number to num var (the number is all character up to first white space)
stu_rPass>>pass;//saves the password to pass var (the pass is all character from that white space)
if((sNum==num&&sPW==pass))//checks if the pass&num are coreect
elsereturnfalse; // ?? do you really want to return here?
// Should have a return here!
because i know the basics of c and oop but i can not use them
you mean this is bad programing
help me to write a redable code please
can you give me references to start with
when i must use class and when i must abandon class ?????
and thanks for your help in your comment i will take care of your notes...
Grey Wolf
you are right i will change the code thanks again for your help