I am working my way through the book Head First Design Patterns. The books code is based in Java; however, the explanations of the design patterns are exceptional. Currently, I am working on the observer design pattern and I am having difficulty working with a vector.
My compilation issues consist of a warning and a error:
-Warning 1 warning C4018: '<' : signed/unsigned mismatch c:\testprojects\design patterns observer\design patterns observer\weatherdata.cpp 30 1 Design Patterns Observer
-Error 2 error C2819: type 'std::vector<IObserver *,std::allocator<_Ty>>' does not have an overloaded member 'operator ->' c:\testprojects\design patterns observer\design patterns observer\weatherdata.cpp 32 1 Design Patterns Observer
-Error 3 error C2039: 'update' : is not a member of 'std::vector<IObserver *,std::allocator<_Ty>>' c:\testprojects\design patterns observer\design patterns observer\weatherdata.cpp 32 1 Design Patterns Observer
My definition of vector type as public member variable inside the class header file: std::vector<class IObserver *> *observers = new std::vector < class IObserver * >;Is this the correct way? I understand this is not java. Code sill throws errors without the "new"
Code snippet recieving a Visual Studio highlighted error: (Expression must have a pointer type)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
void WeatherData::notifyObserver(IObserver *o)
for (int i = 0; i < observers->size(); i++)
observers[i]->update(temperature, humidity, pressure);
Do you really need a pointer to a vector of pointers?
If not just declare something like:
std::vector<IObserver> observers;
in your class.
The warning is just telling you that size() method returns an unsigned int ( size_type ) and you've declared i to be an int (not too worrying.)
regarding the errors.. There doesn't appear to be an update() method defined in your IObserver class. is this correct?
Also, you're passing in a IObserver pointer but are not doing anything with it. Are you aware of this? How big is your IObserver class? Can you post it's declaration?
edit: forgot to say... I also think that java design patterns book is excellent at explaining things, but there will be enough OO differences between java and c++ to make the examples not 1 to 1 transferable.
Form what you've shown, "observers" is a pointer to a vector, not an array of vectors. I imagine, you've push_back()ed some number of "IObserver *" to the vector it references, i.e. you've done "observers->push_back(...);" and so on. To access the elements you would have to do "(*observers)[i]->update(...)" That's why you get the "Expression must have a pointer type" message, you're treating a pointer as if it were an object.
Also the proper place for that definition is in the constructor initialisation list (or body)
Thanks Tipaye and Mutexe for helping solve the problem.
I was using pointers to force myself to "learn them". I would of never guessed (*observers)[i] as the solution. I have followed your advise and edited the code to contain a "vector" of IObserver*