Array of objects, Bubble Sort, Binary Search

This is my first time posting here and I am doing so because I need a little help with an assignment I have for school..I am not asking for the answer but I would greatly appreciate a few hints to get me going in the right direction because after a while my brain just got overloaded and I got VERY confused....
I have done the first part of the question but I am having trouble with number 2..

This is the assignment:
1. Design a class for a sales person that has the following members variable:
 EID: To holds the sales person’s employment ID
 Firstname: To holds the sales person’s first name.
 Lastname: To holds the sales person’s last name.
 Date: To holds the sales person’s birth date
 TotalAnnualSales: To holds the sales person’s total sales in a year.
In addition, the class should have the following member functions.
 Constructor: The constructor should accept the sales person’s data as arguments and assign these values to the object’s member variables. (4 points)
 Mutators: Appropriate mutator functions should be created to allow values to be set for each object’s data members.
 Accessors: Appropriate accessor functions should be created to allow values to be retrieved from an object’s data members.
 calculateCommission: This function should calculate and display the commission amount for a sales person based on his totalAnnualSales. See below.

 TotalAnnualSales Commission percentage
 Under $10,000 No commission
 $10,000-$20,000 2% of TotalAnnualSales
 Greater than $20,000 4% of TotalAnnualSales
Demonstrate the class in a program that creates a sales person object, and then calls each of the functions in the class.
2. With the sales person class design in question #1 above in hand, write a program
 To have an array of sales person objects. The program should read and store information for each sales person in each of the object. It should then call a class function, once for each object, to display the sales person’s ToalAnnualSales amount and commission amount.
 This program should use bubble sort to sort the array of sales person objects. It places sales person objects in ascending order by their first name.
 Demonstrate the binary search method in this program to search by first name..

I am done with the first part of the question but I am having trouble making an array of objects....(How do i make my code look cool like it does in my compiler?)

[ #include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>

using namespace std;

//Class declaration
class SalesPerson
//private data members of class
string EID;
string FirstName;
string LastName;
string Date;
double TotalAnnualSales;

//default constructor
SalesPerson(string eid, string firstname, string lastname, string date, double totalannualsales);
string getEID();
string getFirstName();
string getLastName();
string getDate();
double getTotalAnnualSales();
int nameSearch();

void setEID(string eid);
void setFirstName(string firstname);
void setLastName(string lastname);
void setDate(string date);
void setTotalAnnualSales(double totalannualsales);

//function to calculate comission
double calculateCommission();
void bubbleSort(string FirstName[], const int SIZE);
int binarySearch(const string FirstName[], int size, string nameSearch);
};//end of class declaration

//class member definitions
SalesPerson::SalesPerson(string eid, string firstname, string lastname, string date, double totalannualsales)
EID = eid;
FirstName = firstname;
LastName = lastname;
Date = date;
TotalAnnualSales = totalannualsales;
string SalesPerson::getEID()
return EID;
string SalesPerson::getFirstName()
return FirstName;
string SalesPerson::getLastName()
return LastName;

string SalesPerson::getDate()
return Date;
double SalesPerson::getTotalAnnualSales()
return TotalAnnualSales;
void SalesPerson::setEID(string eid)
EID = eid;
void SalesPerson::setFirstName(string firstname)
FirstName = firstname;
void SalesPerson::setLastName(string lastname)
LastName = lastname;
void SalesPerson::setDate(string date)
Date = date;
void SalesPerson::setTotalAnnualSales(double totalannualsales)
TotalAnnualSales = totalannualsales;

//calculate commission
double SalesPerson::calculateCommission()
double commission = 0;
if (TotalAnnualSales < 10000)
commission = 0;
else if (TotalAnnualSales <=20000)
commission = .02 * TotalAnnualSales;
commission = .04 * TotalAnnualSales;
return commission;

//main start
int main ()
//declare variables
string EID;
string FirstName;
string LastName;
string Date;
string nameSearch;
int foundLocation;
double TotalAnnualSales;
double commission;
const int size=5;

//create an array for the objects
SalesPerson employees[size];

ofstream outputFile;"work.txt");

for ( int i=0; i < size; i++)
//prompt user for salesperson information
cout<< "Enter sales person ID: "<<endl;
outputFile<< "Enter sales person ID: "<<endl;
cout<< "Enter first name: "<<endl;
outputFile<< "Enter first name: "<<endl;
cout<< "Enter last name: "<<endl;
outputFile << "Enter last name: "<<endl;
cout<< "Enter date: "<<endl;
outputFile<< "Enter date: "<<endl;
cout << "Enter total annual sales: "<<endl;
cin >> TotalAnnualSales;

//create object of sales person class
SalesPerson person(EID, FirstName, LastName, Date, TotalAnnualSales);

//call function to calculate commission
commission = person.calculateCommission();

cout<<" Commission earned for "<<employees[i].getLastName()<<" "<<employees[i].getFirstName()<< " is "<<commission<<endl;


//ask user for information
cout<< " Please enter the person's name that you wish to find in my name data base "<<endl;
outputFile<<" Please enter the person's name that you wish to find in my name data base "<<endl;
// cin>>nameSearch;

//call functions
bubbleSort(FirstName, size);

foundLocation=binarySearch(FirstName , size, nameSearch);

if (foundLocation==-1)
cout<<nameSearch<<"is not in the array"<<endl;
cout<<nameSearch<<" is found in position "<<foundLocation<<endl;

system ("pause");
return 0;

void SalesPerson::bubbleSort(string FirstName[], const int size)
SalesPerson temp;
bool swap;

{ swap=false;
for (int count=0; count < (size-1); count++)
if(FirstName[count] > FirstName[count + 1])
FirstName[count]=FirstName [count +1];
FirstName [count + 1];


}while (swap);


//this function preforms the binary search
int SalesPerson::binarySearch(const string employees[], int size, string nameSearch)
int first = 0,
last = size - 1,
position = -1;
bool found = false;

while (!found && first <= last)
middle = (first + last) / 2;
if (FirstName[middle] == nameSearch)
found = true;
position = middle;
else if (FirstName[middle] > nameSearch)
last = middle - 1;
first = middle + 1;
return position;
} ]
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