
Please help me to answer this question. Why complexity of bubble sort is O(n2) and quicksort is O(nlog2n)? and what about complexity of cocktail shaker sort?

Thank you
Complexity of sorting algorithms is always defined by the number of comparisons that are required.

The bubble sort algorithm is:

for( i = elements 1 through N - 1 )
for( j = elements 1 through N - i )
if( element[ i ] > element[ j ] )
swap( element[ i ], element[ j ]);

How many times does the if() execute?

The outer for loop executes N - 1 times.

The inner for loop executes N - i times, which means that
on the first time through the loop, it executes N - 1 times, the
second time N - 2, and so forth, down to N - ( N - 1 ) = 1.

So N - 1 + N - 2 + N - 3 + ... 1, as you know from math, is
the sum of all integers 1 to N - 1. The sum of all integers
1 to k has the formula k * ( k + 1 ) / 2. If we let k = N - 1, then
we have the formula (N - 1) * N / 2 == ( N^2 - N ) / 2.

We know from Big-O notation that N^2 dominates N, so
the algorithm is O( (1/2)N^2 ). But we know also that
O( kN^2 ) where k is constant (in this case 1/2) is equal
to O( N^2 ).

Now you can look at the other sorting algorithms are
perform the same logic.

So in other words,

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