I have this kind of problem: 1.Program open file called "abc.txt". 2.In while loop i save each line from file abc.txt to variable text and then, from text to ArrSent[n]. I have no idea why program has stopped working. Plz help me.
longlongint n=0;//numbers of lines
string *ArrSent= new string[n];//Array which saves all sentences
It is illegal and your compiler should at least warn you about it. You are creating array which holds 0 elements. And still you are trying to write something into it.
i <= ArrSent.size();
If your vector has size of, say, 2, you will try to access indexes 0, 1 and 2. Explain, how did you get 3 elements from size 2 array?
Use i < ArrSent.size();. It is common pattern with access to indexed containers.