I am trying to make a number guessing game, which tells the user whether their number is too high or too low. It works for the first guess, but keeps repeating "guess again". I am so lost
You're using your function incorrectly. The contract your function secretNumberGenerator offers is: "Give me a number, and I'll give you a random number that's bigger than zero, and less than or equal to what you gave me." (Actually, what if you give it something less than zero for max_Guess? Maybe you should have an unsigned parameter...)
This means lines 15-20 should look something like this:
1 2 3 4 5
int max_Guess; //declare a variable to hold the user's input
cout << "\n\n Please enter maximum guess: "; //print a prompt
cin >> max_Guess; //get a number from the user
int randomSecret = secretNumberGenerator(max_Guess); //use function to initialize secret value
int guess = 0;
Thanks that helped. But how would i allow the user to guess again? At line 33 I know I went wrong. First of all, if it worked, wouldn't it restart the whole secretNumberGame function? I just want it to ask them to input another guess (if y is selected)
int guess (){
bool run = true;
char ques = 'y';
while(run) {
// run = secretNumberGame(); secretNumberGame() does not return bool.
if (run) { //dont need this. while(run) takes care of it
cout << "\nGuess again? (y/n) ";
cin >> ques;
if (ques == 'y' || ques == 'Y') run = true;
/* else if (ques == 'n' || ques == 'N') run = false;
else run = false;*/
else run = false;
return 0;
I mean that it should prompt them to enter another guess. So instead of infinitely asking them to guess again (y/n)? it should actually say "enter your guess" I don't know how to get it back to that point
So instead of infinitely asking them to guess again (y/n)? it should actually say "enter your guess"
Are you instead saying you want the program to infinitely say "Enter you guess"?
If you dont want guess again (y/n)? but Enter guess , how do you intend your program to end?