Show constext of using. If it is a declaration of function, where is return type? it it is a function call, why do you include type name along your variable?
Ok so the error was fixed by removing Tetromino from the parameters in the function call, since Tetromino is a struct I have. The larger issue is that I'm having trouble implementing this struct into my class GamePiece. I have this header file
struct Tetromino{
std::string filename;
sf::VertexArray squares(sf::RectangleShape);
// write a constructor taking a string and four vertices
Tetromino(std::string filename, sf::VertexArray squares);
class GamePiece{
GamePiece(ImageManager &im, std::vector<sf::FloatRect> &levelCollisions);
void SetShape(Tetromino type);
sf::Sprite &GetPieceSprite();
void MovePiece(int x, int y);
void RotateRight();
void RotateLeft();
std::vector<sf::RectangleShape> &GetPieceRectangles();
constint SQUARE_SIZE = 10;
void MoveRects(int x, int y);
ImageManager &imgr;
std::vector<sf::FloatRect> &levelCollisions;
sf::Sprite pieceShape;
//1 = left, 2 = right
int orientation;
int originCount;
//the sf::rectshapes will be program-wide, and their fr's will be created locally upon checking for collision
std::vector<sf::RectangleShape> pieceRectangles_;
//might be necessary if I acrue a shit ton of objects per piece
//std::vector<sf::Transformable> pieceObjects;
and my goal is to have each object of GamePiece have one Tetromino object, but I don't know how to accomplish this.