which provides all the linked list public functions & private members that I need. My question is there a way to use the functions that is outside of the node class in node2.h within my sequence4.template list so below
#include <cassert> // Provides assert
#include <cstdlib> // Provides NULL and size_t
namespace A3
//overloads the assignment operator to make a copy of a linked list
template<class Item>
void sequence<Item>::operator=(cosnt sequence<Item>& source)
node *tail_ptr; //declares a node data type pointer varialbe called tail_ptr
list_clear(head_ptr); //line 32 of node2.h
many_nodes = 0;
list_copy(source.head_ptr, head_ptr, tail_ptr); //line 35 of node2.h
many_nodes = source.many_nodes;