The only problem I have with my code is the result(no errors or warnings). It always gives me $2005371809 as my answer. for example, for each of my prices I input 300, 50, and 10 dollars as my sample data. The answer should have been $360 instead of that huge number as indicated by my formula. Also, please offer some suggestions to improve my program if you can.
Edit- Do you think this junk value that keeping getting has to do with the data types that I'm using?
Edit 2- well I've made huge progress by creating 3 new variables(int price 1, 2 and 3.) and by putting the formula inside the last else if statement(I'm not sure if that did anything really). The problem now is that I am force to input 3 integers otherwise the answer is off by 1 or 2. for example, if you only pick option 2 and input 300 and decide to press option 5, then the answer will be 302. Another example is if you input 300 then 50, you get 351. Most likely it has something with not inputting a value in one of the variables(like inputting 300 in price1, but leaving price2 and 3 empty.). So my new question is how do I force the program to leave price2 or 3 as 0 in case a customer only wants to inputs a value in price1. Do I have to create multiple formulas to do that?
#include <iostream> // Library used for basic input and output functions.
#include <string> // A library for string functions.
#include <cstdlib> // Has the function system pause.
#include <iomanip> // Required for setw.
usingnamespace std;
int main()
string userName; // The name of the user using the menu.
int option; /* A variable that will be used for each if-if/else
statement. */
int price1 = 300 || 600 || 10 || 50; // variables for calculations.
int price2 = 50 || 30 || 7 || 13;
int price3 = 10 || 6 || 5 || 15;
cout << "Please enter your name: "; /* Asking the user to input
their name. */
cout << "\nHello " << userName << " and welcome to Luis' animal";
cout << " store.\n"; /* A little welcome message. */
cout << "\nPress enter to continue.\n";
do /* This loop is meant to continuously repeat the user's input
until they decide to exit the program. */
// A menu for the user.
cout << "\n----------------------Menu---------------------------------";
cout << "\n1).View a list of animals currently available." << endl;
cout << "2).The different prices for each animal." << endl;
cout << "3).The name of the brand and price of the food." << endl;
cout << "4).A list of accessories for each animal." << endl;
cout << "5).Exit the program. " << endl;
cout << "-----------------------------------------------------------\n";
// Asking the user to input their choice.
cout <<"\n" << userName << ", please input a number corresponding to";
cout << " the choice that you want. ";
cin >> option; /* This will force the user to input an answer and
save that anser to the variable option. */
if(option == 1) // If the user chooses option 1.
// A list of animals currently available.
cout << "\n-----------------List of Animals---------------------------";
cout << "\n1).Dog:" << setw(11) << " Beagle" << endl;
cout << "2).Cat:" << setw(11) << " Birman" << endl;
cout << "3).Fish:" << setw(12) << " Goldfish" << endl;
cout << "4).Reptile:" << setw(11) << " Corn Snake" << endl;
cout << "-----------------------------------------------------------\n";
cout << "\nPress enter to continue and return back to the menu.\n";
elseif(option == 2) // If the user chooses option 2.
// The names and prices for animals currently available.
cout << "\n----------------Price Per Animal---------------------------";
cout << "\n Names Prices" << endl;
cout << "\n1).Beagle: " << setw(9) << " $300" << endl;
cout << "2).Birman: " << setw(9) << " $600" << endl;
cout << "3).Goldfish: " << setw(7) << " $10" << endl;
cout << "4).Corn Snake: " << setw(5) << " $50" << endl;
cout << "-----------------------------------------------------------\n";
cin >> price1;
cout << "\nPress enter to continue and return back to the menu.\n";
elseif(option == 3) // If the user chooses option 3.
// The brand for each animal as well as the price.
cout << "\n--------The Price and Name of the Food---------------------";
cout << "\n Brand Name Price" << endl;
cout << "\n1).BlackWood-(Beagle): "<< setw(12) << " $50" << endl;
cout << "2).Purina-(Birman): " << setw(15) << " $30" << endl;
cout << "3).Aqueon Pellets-(Goldfish): " << setw(5) << " $7" << endl;
cout << "4).Artic Mice-(Corn Snake): " << setw(7) << " $13" << endl;
cout << "-----------------------------------------------------------\n";
cin >> price2;
cout << "\nPress enter to continue and return back to the menu.\n";
elseif(option == 4) // if the user chooses option 4.
// Accessories for your animals.
cout << "\n------------------Animal Accessories-----------------------";
cout << "\n Toy Name Price" << endl;
cout << "\n1).Beagle(Chew Toy)" << setw(23) << " $10" << endl;
cout << "2).Birman(Fly Teaser)" << setw(22) << " $6 " << endl;
cout << "3).Goldfish(Gravel)" << setw(24) << " $5 " << endl;
cout << "4).Corn Snake(Branches)" << setw(20) << " $15" << endl;
cout << "-----------------------------------------------------------\n";
cin >> price3;
cout << "\nPress enter to continue and return back to the menu.\n";
elseif(option == 5) // If the user chooses option 5.
int totalPrice = price1 + price2 + price3; /* The total sum of each
individual variable. */
cout << "\n\nYour total is $" << totalPrice << endl;
cout << "\nGoodbye, and have a nice day. " << endl;
else // If the user inputs an invalid choice.
// Error message.
cerr << "\nError, invalid entry. Please try again." << endl;
while(option != 5); // A conditional statement.
return 0;
Well I was finally able to solve my dilemma(took about 3 hours jeesh). All I had to do was set all of my 3 price variables to 0 so that It wouldn't give my any junk values.