reading hexadecimal

can you please tell me how to convert large hexadecimal numbers like this
. to decimal. I have searched for it for a while but no guide explains it in these large numbers

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What do you mean by read? Read from where?
sorry i mean convert it to decimal numbers.
You still need to be more specific. Do you mean convert it to decimal, on paper? If you mean into a C or C++ program you should show some code that illustrates the question.

Here is a link that explains hexadecimal numbers:

I just want to be able to figure out what they are in decimal whether its on paper or not.
Then I suggest you start with the link I provided. If that doesn't explain the issue in enough detail I suggest you search for "hexadecimal numbers" with the search engine of your choice.

Here is a beginners tutorial that is very very basic with a video even.
I know it now, thanks
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