Overwhelmed & Confused with homework...

This is my homework assignment
3.17 (Digit Extraction) Complete an application that allows the user to input a five-digit number. Your application should then separate the number into its individual digits and display on a separate line each digit.

1. Define a variable to store user input, including appropriate comments.

2. Prompting the user for and storing a number. Prompt the user for a number and use cin to place the value in the variable you defined in the preceding step.

3. Display each digit separately. [Hint: You can use the % operator to extract the ones digit from a number. For instance, 12345 % 10 is 5. You can use division (/) to peel off digits from a number. For instance, 12345 / 10 is 1234. This allows you to treat the 4 in 12345 as a ones digit. Now you can isolate the 4 by using the % operator. Apply this technique to the rest of the digits.]

4. Save, compile and run the completed application. Type 12345 at the Enter five-digit number: prompt. Ensure that the output appears as shown in Fig. 3.29 in your text.

I am so lost right now. Our last homework assignment wat the simple "Hello World" program, which I understood. Now, i'm completely lost.

I do not understand how to get started (Step 1), and if someone could help me you would save my day. Ive been trying various things for a couple hours and have nothing to show.

the finished product is supposed to look like this
Hmm maybe store each digit in an array of its own so you can then output the array in whatever order you want and with a new line?

Right just read the rest of the post :)

To help you out just read C++ variables part on the website. If that doesn't work I'll see what I can do to help.
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#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main () {

int num ;
int rem ;

cout << " Input a 5 digit number : ";
cin >> num;;

for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
rem = num %10;
num = num / 10;
cout << rem << endl;
return 0;
ok ceemor, that helped. I still need to have the text "Ones digit is :", "Tens digit is:" and so on..

I put that text as a cout statement, and it shows up ok, but the numbers appear underneath it instead of after the :
@ceeemor: Please don't post solutions. If you really want to help, then just point them in the right direction, instead of giving the full solution.


@BrassMonkey1010: endl stands for end line. So if you write

It will print as

Hello World

Hope this helps !
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Also, endl is approximately equal to this: std::cout << "\n" << std::flush;
If you don't need to flush the buffer, use "\n" instead of endl.
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