Ideas for a project

So I am interested in starting a c++ project, primarily a console application, to help me further progress in my c++ fluency. I am currently enrolled in a c++ class at my college but I feel like I am not being challenged enough. I am always 5 steps ahead of the class and I really enjoy programming. So after reading through the forums on this site I saw a post from someone recommending that the best way to actually learn the language and further fluency is to start a good project. So if anyone can recommend me some interesting/long projects to work on that are not advanced, I would greatly appreciate it.
Morning dude.
Take a look here:

Admittedly not the most exciting of problems (to some), but there's a lot there to take your pick from.
@mutexe, what a cool site! Thanks man!
No worries, although those kind of problems will help with your logic, but not with your program design and structure to be honest. A good place to start with that kinda stuff (maybe) is to look at 'design patterns',
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Thank you, I appreciate the advise very much. This should help me get off to a swift start most definitely.
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