if - else problem

Hey guys, i started to program my first app. It is a poker calculator.
so briefly, all i want is that when in texas holdem poker i see 3 cards in the center and 2 in my hands, i am able to know my percentage of having a pair or triple. ALl im asking, i to check the bottom of it, to see whats wrong. When i try to compile it, it is always putting the number 10.25%. to understand better, read at the bottom bottom.

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>

//forward declaration of threecard

int main()

using namespace std;

//enter number card in my hand

cout << "Enter Card:";

int x;

cin >> x;
//enter number card2 in my hand
cout << "Enter Card:";

int y;

cin >> y;

//enter number card1 in middle

cout << "Enter Middle card 1:";

int card1;

cin >> card1;

//enter number card2 in middle

cout << "Enter Middle card 2:";

int card2;

cin >> card2;

//enter number card3 in middle

cout << "Enter Middle card 3:";

int card3;

cin >> card3;

if (x=card1)

cout << "10.25%";

cout <<"0.0";

return 0;


So if i give x value of 5, and card1 value of 5, its writting 10.25%.
But, if i give x value of 5 and card1 value of 6, card 2 value of 7, card 8 value of 9, its still 10,25%. But i want 0.0%.

If u have any idea, thx for sharing it!
if (x=card1) this line is assignment not equality
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