I have two integers below and their binary string equivalent.
The 2 is the comes first.
These two numbers combined are to somehow total 670 but I can't seem to get how.
Maybe it's a concatenated Bit String or something like that. Because these two integers are consecutive in some binary data I have generated I am trying to produced their decimal equivalent. I can produced it in Hex but not decimal.
Basically I'm asking how the 2 and 914 can be combined to produce 670.
Thanks for looking into that Smac89, it's rather remarkable that you worked that out.
Chervil, Thanks, I think you have touched on something. This example belongs to a PDF stream that has been decompressed though only provides binary output from the stream. It directly translates into HEX and this is where I get the 670 from. Yes, 29E.
If I treat each nibble (4bits) as a separate integer I might get a string of numbers which will represent 670. I'm going to give that a go.