C++ IDE needed

I need a C++ IDE (Freeware )that capable of programing Win32 programs and good debugging
help me please
Sorry, you've kind of blown your chances here... "BWAHAHAHAHA GIVE ME YOUR REGISTRATION CODEZ WHICH YOU PAID FOR I AM EVIL."
Or something like that.
It is my understanding that Visual Studio Express is free of charge.
What do you mean an IDE 'capable of programming Win32'? Do you want a visual editor for windows?
ya, capable of programming Win32
i don't know how to make an exe file on VC ++
Do your Visual Studio have 'Visual C++ Guided Tour' link on the start page? it will show the tour around the visual c++ and you might caught on how to make exe.
... GCC with an IDE like Code::Blocks is extremely easy to use... when you want to compile, you click "Build" -> "Compile Current File" and then press CTRL + F9 to build, or F9 to build and run it...
Any IDE running on Windows should be able of compiling to Windows native executable files
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