the following code compiles however the c version of it gives a compilation error
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C:\Users\Mehak\Desktop\prac\Untitled2.c||In function 'main':|
C:\Users\Mehak\Desktop\prac\Untitled2.c|7|error: width of 'i' exceeds its type|
||=== Build finished: 1 errors, 0 warnings (0 minutes, 0 seconds) ===|
is thereany limit on the number of bits used in bit fields?
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using namespace std;
int main()
struct bits
int i:40;
cout<< sizeof(bit);
return 0;
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the following code compiles however the c version of it gives a compilation error |
C and C++ are different languages, that should not be a surprise.
is there any limit on the number of bits used in bit fields? |
There is no limit on the number of bits in C++, but there is a limit on the maximum value that is stored in the bit field.
To quote
std::uint8_t b : 1000; would still hold values between 0 and 255. the extra bits become unused padding. |
(in C, as you've seen, the limit on the number of bits is the width of the underlying type)
And yes, use std::bitset
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