Made a tic tac toe game Allegro 5 and i need help

Ok so i am making a simple tic tac toe game. and it works out alright. sort of.

I can get the game going but for some reason some of the squares dont go right away and i have to click on them a few times or even just skip it and go back in order to get either the X or the O to go on the screen. Anyone know why this is happening? I want it to just be a simple one click puts an x one click puts an o and repeat.

The restart button works out nicely though. :)

My program is posted here:
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I am not sure. but can i solve this by adding a timer to the program? i will try that tomorrow. having a timer would fix the problem where the board is not displayed until after the program gets some kind of mouse input. but i dont know how it would help with the problem i am having. i just think it would be worth putting in anyways
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