Noob Guide Pleaz

Ok i learned VB when i was 10-12 years and i quit with it when i was 13 now that im 16 i wanted to learn something harder so that i could make games, Hacks for games, and attempt to make a Program to sale... so can someone find or write a noob guide that tells and describes functions and how they are used. or just post one or 2 in ur post or something. and give me examples i learn code better when i type it.

Oh, Christ. You couldn't possibly have made yourself sound more like a script kiddie.
I thought skiddies were wannabe crackers that downloaded DoSing tools and things like that and thought they were "clever" when they took down some five-year-old's website which was created on frontpage in design mode. Then they realised they weren't so clever when they got raped in a prison shower after being given a slippery bar of soap, wrote a book about cracking (called "The art of being a douche") and lived happily ever after. Although they never did explain to their children why they never bent down to pick things up, why their farts made no sound and why they held their arse in their hands everytime some beefy man walked past...
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helios--Im not a kiddie i want to learn this for my career choise its what im going to go to colledge for and im trying ot learn all the scripting languages
im trying ot learn all the scripting languages
You're in the wrong place, then. C++ is not a scripting language.
A script kiddie is someone who uses programs written by other people, usually in the world of crackers, for example someone writes a virus or some other piece of malware. A script kiddie uses it, thinking it makes him a cracker (or, in their words, a hacker, which is something else entirely) and then one of two likelihoods happen:
1. He's gets arrested and arse-raped in prison, read above
2. He doesn't get caught and does it again. Then these two possibilities come into light again.
Although there could be a third possibility:
3. He realises he's being an idiot and never does it again. This happens with alot of people.
3. He goes too far and gets owned by some real crackers, and the first two possibilities are evaluated again anyway.

Or they get the source code and release it as their own code. Someone actually got arrested and thrown in jail after they downloaded a virus, opened it in a text editor, and wrote their own name all over it. What a twat...

Anyway, my first recommendation would be to learn proper English. Choise, colledge etc. are going to be very off-putting to prospective employers. Moreover, programming requires discipline and initiative. You can't expect to become good if you're asking people to constantly do things for you. Asking for help is ok, even Helios asks occasionally with things he is unsure of, but he doesn't ask people to do his work for him.

Judging by your clever manipulation of the Latin alphabet and numeric system, I'm going to assume you're American, English, Australian, Canadian, Irish, Welsh, Scottish or from some other country where the English language is the first. As to your being on the internet, I'll assume America. If I'm right, which I probably am, it shouldn't be too hard to learn sensical English and to make the effort to write in a way that is properly legible. How do you expect to learn the complex syntax of C++ and other programming languages if you can't type proper English?

Finally, C++ is not a scripting language, and you're never going to learn ALL of the programming (or "scripting") languages. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of languages. A, Ada, ALGOL, B, BASIC, Brainfuck, C, COBOL, C++, C--, C+- ("C more or less"), D... hell there's probably even an E by now. What most people recommend is learning a few languages. The best thing seems to be to learn from one language from 5 (or more) different programming paradigms, e.g. Object-Oriented, Functional, Structured, Imperative (aka Procedural) and Recursive. Those are just examples, but Object-Oriented, Functional, Structured and Imperative are four most people seem to recommend. Languages many people recommend are (in order, for beginners)

Python (which is a truly excellently designed language, very much noob friendly. I wish I'd known about it a few months ago... oh and this is a real "scripting" language, so I definitely recommend you learn it first)
Java (Java is similar to C++ in some respects, and yet totally different in others. I and many other people dislike it, but alot of people seem to regard it as being good)
C (Alot of people say if you can learn C, you can learn any language. Pointers will show you what they mean...)
Common LISP (LISP is a functional language)

I also recommend you at some point to learn ASM (Assembly language). While it is difficult to implement, learning it will not take long, and it does help you think about how the code ends up when you've compiled it. It can also be necessary in some cases...
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Imperative is the combination of structured and procedural, or sometimes it's understood as the antonymous of functional or declarative. There's no such thing as recursive programming, but there are procedural languages that support recursion and others that don't, such as CUDA.
Other paradigms include metaprogramming and * esoteric (I ran out of paradigms at this * point).

I also recommend you at some point to learn ASM (Assembly language).
I disagree.
Why? I find learning it helped me think about problems more from a machine's metaphorical point of view. True, all I've used it for is very simple I/O and arithmetic, but that's due to the fact I learnt it less than two weeks ago, and am still new to it. I know how it works, but I keep forgetting what to move into AH and what interrupt to use for what. Wikipedia has a good list of interrupts and subroutines that go with them...
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The point of punch cards was not having to rewire the computer. The point binary is not having to deal with punch cards. The point of Assembly is not having to memorize opcodes. The point of high-level languages is not having to deal with Assembly and its inherent drawbacks.
If you're not doing any systems programming or writing compilers, Assembly is utterly useless, even as an instructional language. You can learn what little Assembly has to teach by just thinking like a compiler for the language, and like the computer your writing for (that may involve knowing some of the subtleties of the architecture).
There are indeed languages that teach and make you a better programmer, but Assembly isn't one of them.
Well... if you say so.

Ok, then, don't learn ASM. I guess it isn't used much, unless you want to write an OS or a compiler/assembler/linker/whatever. I guess you don't really need it - computers are fast enough now that you don't need it's speed...
It would still be interesting, though, to program an OS Kernel which does all hardware accesses in ASM. I wonder if it would actually make a noticeable (noticeable to the end user, not some benchmarking software) difference in access speed. Probably, for an OS...

Oh and I was just wondering, on what grounds does he make himself sound like a skiddie?
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