Further Learning of C++

I have completed most of the, so called "Basic Training" of C++.
For me that included...

- watching and practicing all the videos from the YouTube Channel (thenewboston)'s C++ tutorials.

- reading and practicing the "Tutorials" section of (cplusplus.com)

I want to continue my knowledge of C++, more specifically delve into more advanced C++. This may seem a rather vague, but what other resources do you guys recommend for, if I may say so myself, a competent C++ Programmer.

Any kinds of resources would be helpful (books, videos, websites or anything of the sort), although I prefer videos or rather interactive forms of media rather than a book, but I don't mind it that much. It doesn't have to be free.


The Resonance
The next thing to do would be to pick a library and start working with it. You could just pick one at random and start there, that's what I did with the WinAPI, but if you want a generic suggestion I'd recommend SFML since it's up to date and pretty easy to use. Then decide on a small project that you want to make and start in on it, if you want another idea here I'd go with pong then Conway's Game of Life. When you hit something that you don't know how to do, or you don't like the solution you came up with, that is what you should study next.

Structured learning will only bring you so far with this stuff, at some point you have to strike out on your own.
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If you only did console application, you could try win32.
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