String find and string to char pointer

I am writing a title case program.At the moment, I am stuck.

I want to implement an excact find.What I have finds all occurence of that string.

size_t f = st.find("foo"); // finds all occurence of foo.But I want it to only find the word foo,  and not foobar.How can I achieve that.  

2) My funcion is something like this
  bool Book :: convertToTitleCase(char* inTitle) // I found it hard to do manipulations with a char pointer.
As such I converted it to a string
	string temp, st(inTitle); convert inTitle to string

The problem I have, is that I cannot convert it back to a char pointer.
Any help and suggestions would be appreciated.
Let me know if you need more information
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For the first part you could check if there is a space after foo possibly though it wouldn't work too well if it was the only word or if it was the last word or if it had a comma/period/ect.. after it. You could possibly make an array of valid choices and search for those the array in English would be something like:
std::size_t const possibleMatchesSize = 6;
std::string const possibleMatches[possibleMatchesSIze]{"foo ", "foo,", "foo;", "foo.", "foo!", "foo?"};

The problem I have, is that I cannot convert it back to a char pointer.
there is a method to do this. .c_str();
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