the right compiler

Pages: 1234
hmm, which GTA? :P lol it makes a difference. but anyway, if i was in trouble i'd pull to the right. makes more sense to me. Plus, i'd drive into a wall or one of the 5 billion off ramps we have in the US, so atleast i wouldn't die. ^^

And any GTA. Usually SA, because for a few months (strangely after my mum stupidly got a "Tech Guy" to install a new CD drive) whenever I play any good PC games (I had SA on xbox) the whole system crashes after about ten minutes.
hmm, i wish i had SA, it's a better game than GTA4, i wanna fly a freaken airplane but noooo it's a "controversy" btw, we've derailed this conversation so far. lol [see that picture of the trainwreck in france]
*cough* torrent *cough*.

Or I could email the CD to you as an attachment. Physical objects can go as attachments, right?

Also, I like GTAIV. It's so much fun because the physics engine is amazing. I love beating people up (I'm so mentally healthy, lol) because of how realistic it is. But I agree about the planes thing. Maybe some modder will make a plane to replace the helicopter. Maybe they have already...

Nah it doesn't look like anyone has. Keep checking and maybe someone will make one...
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torrents on xbox? there is such a thing?!!?!?!?! /dumbfounded
but yeah, GTA4 is good, i just want those PLANESSSSSS. i should ask my friend to mod me up a flyable plane, the models already exist if you go to the airport you can see those little planes. nobody really cares if the door opens or whatever, so long as you can fly the plane. :P
Is he any good? If he turns out to be one of the awesome modders like "Pinky" then tell him he's awesome.

You could torrent the PC version of the game... make sure you get v1.0 though. I bought it on ebay though.
well he modded halo alot, had some pretty cool maps on that.

If I did make an operating system (which I'd love to do one day), these would be the error messages I'd use:
ok gays

stop doing sily
i am currently working on vista but it should work on xp too
i am searching an easy program where you type your program and that there is a "compile" button at the end of the page and that you see immediatly your result
Who you callin gay? Google C++ compiler.
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ok gays
Oh, typos! One letter makes a world of difference.

The closest thing to that is ***-***, but I'd prefer you didn't use that.

You can compile single files from the command line with MinGW, which I think is a good practice and you'll get to learn some of the options used by GCC. It's often faster than using an IDE, particularly for short programs, which is what you'll be working on at first. If you choose to go with MinGW, you'll need a text editor. Notepad++ is more than suitable.

If you need an IDE, there best two (free) choices for Windows are Microsoft Visual C++ Express and Code::Blocks. Both of these require that you start projects to compile files, so it's less straightforward than compiling from the command line. The link for Visual C++ is at the bottom left. At the bottom center there's a link for an offline installation DVD, which I personally prefer (I don't trust my Internet connection).
Helios, you don't need a project in code::blocks to compile, you can compile a single file outside of a project br pressing ctrl + F9, or F9 to build and run.

I can't speak for visual studio as I've only ever used it to play with the drag and drop tools.
It's been a long time. You're right, but you do need a project to debug.
Yes, true.
i'm sorry i ment guys typing mistake
I dont get it. I just dont get it.
-OP you're lucky this isnt a chan of somesort. They'd prolly make you commit suicide.
Ruin life tactics!!! I know a few good ones, such as sending Mormons to your house. How would you like that? A bunch of Mormons in your house, trying to convert you?

By the way this is where we stereotypically rant on about malformed cells and the church of scientology.
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hi this is rajesh kumar, can any one help me by giving me a solution 2 my problem..
my problem is i have to run a huge circuit in pspice..for that i hav to write code in C++ and that has to generate schematic figure in pspice and later in pspice i have to run tht schematic doubt is how can my code will generate a there any such option in C++..if there how can i ..pls solve my problem as soon as possible..thnks a lot in advance...
Quiet, you fools! Rules 1 and 2.
closed account (z05DSL3A)
WTF is this forum coming to? Its getting filled with puerile drivel.
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Pages: 1234