I want to parse twitter.

So what I want to do is to make a program that will get the most recent update from someones twitter page and put it into a .txt

My brother did this using BeautifulSoup in python. I was wondering if there was a way to do it in C++

Socket programming is very difficult in C++.


Or just do it in Python aswell... I really don't think you will find it easy.
This may not be my thread, but THANK YOU for linking that. :D

On top of socket programming alone being difficult, you have to figure out how to send a message to twitter to tell it to send you whatever tweet or other information you need.
I strongly recommend using Python. C# might work, but why bother with that crap when Python runs on all platforms?
Well, I am addicted to C++ and I was wanting to try things out.
Hmm... this is an interesting idea for something in C++. Besides the parsing of twitter though, I imagine that we'll see applications that connect to hundreds of proxies and send a vote packet for twitter walls to get people to win easily if something like this becomes a popular idea.
If you know PHP, or whatever mechanism Twitter uses (I heard that they moved away from Ruby on Rails), you could figure it out. But it would still require some assistance on the part of Twitter's dev-team.
well, ive seen some java scripts before that can vote every 20 mins on the twitter wall sites. might wanna contact some developers of things like that to see how they got it to contact twitter.
I think in Java a simple Robot object would do the job by clicking once every 20 minutes to the same place, although you can't use that computer while the program is running.
That would be about like a 20 lines of code.
You could use libcurl.
A program that clicks every 20 minutes? That sounds a little lame to be honest. Why not create a program that clicks, then connects to a proxy, clicks again, connects to a new proxy, and so forth...

It would take a lot longer but you would be proud of it lol :)
mcleano : In java connecting to another server, refreshing the browser would add another 10 lines of code. (I've never done socket programming in c++, that's why I keep telling Java...)
Why not add colour recognition? Maybe have it click on particular colours depending on what the user chooses? That would be awesome.
a friend of mine had their dad make something similar to what i was saying, looked into it and it didn't do what you think. It actually sent a packet in the background to tell it you're voting, you could still use the computer and not be on the web page etc. but he claimed that passing through a proxy makes it harder... i dont buy that, but still.
I didn't said that that is the most practical implementation, but for that you don't need any other information than the Vote button's position. For package sending you need to know where and what to send in the package, this might be complicaed or not, that I don't know, it depends on Twitter's implementation.
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