Yeah I think that was probably it, though to be fair I couldn't say for sure... 1 thing is for certain, your links were very helpful and I haven't even begin to scratch the surface of them, so thanks for that.
I am getting how to use Qt creator more now too, The pop up suggestions are very helpful to let me know if what I am trying to do is right or not. If you get me.
I am kinda a little miffed here
This is a certain page I am trying to adapt, I have done certain bits like give it a fixed background image and whatnot, but there is a border, a grey border... I see on line 23 there is
This controls everything inside the largest window, what I would call the main area but not the main window. I tried
As you can see on line 21, I realise this is probably totallu wrong, but it didn't complain at least, at compile time. But didn't do anything either, there is still a grey border.
I would assume line 23 is the same as mine anyway, as in it is specifying the margin of the parent... So if there is still a grey border, would that mean it must be controlled some place else....
Here is a pic, should be easier to see what the hell I'm jabbering on about XD
In design view this would be the parent widgets layout that controls this... Hmmm... But I also see all the other margin parameters are mostly set to zero... In design mode to see this kind of border I would expect to see (9,9,9,9)... I have searched the project and there is nothing to match that.
Maybe this is just a default border? And if so how do I specify it?
EDIT: Obviously there isn't a Ui page for this one else I would just change it in design mode XD
EDIT: Hmmmm I wonder if it is the size of the main area rather than a border causing it, will have a go with that
EDIT: Managed to move the first drop down over so it is level, so that is a start lol