develop simple system for business

A developer wants you to develop a simple system to monitor his business processes. The
processes include received orders from buyers, check availability of stock, if the stock is
available, deliver the goods to customers and bill the invoices.
So what's your question or problem?
#include <iostream.h>
#include <conio.h>

int amount,total;
int price=10;
int stock=10;
int stockleft=0;
int count=1;

while (count <= 0 )
cout<<"Enter Amount : ";
total=amount*price ;
cout<<"Total : RM"<<total<<endl;
stockleft=stock-amount ;
cout<<"Total Stock Left : "<<stockleft<<endl;
getch ();

that's the coding given by my friend. actually, i wann know how am i going to construct this system? what's the input,output,process and maybe the system needed such as the control structure to be used? kindly need a fast answer. please
Your friend's code doesn't do anything:
int count=1;

while (count <= 0 )

Since count<=0 is false, the loop never executes.

Something seems to be missing from your description. A system to monitor business processes would take many staff-years to create and there would hundreds of design decisions along the way. I suspect you're trying to write something simpler. Do you have a more detailed description of the requirements? What are the inputs? What are the outputs?
this assignment is only given like that. what we understand, the user are going to enter a type of stock whether it is available or not in our business. and if it is available, the system is going to execute the stock left. so, if the user wanna buy the stock, the quantity will be subtracted with the original amount stock. so, what should i do? we're already getting blur
Okay, so each item of stock has a name and an amount. You need a collection of of these items. You need a way to look up an item by its name. You need a way for the user to input the name and quantity of the item they want to buy.

But what is your initial inventory? You need a way to input that as well.

Each of the things I've mentioned are separate, independent pieces. I suggest you write code for each of them and then you can put it all together.
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