Remember what i chose.

English is not my native language so I have to apologize if it gets a bit tedious to read.

The game is a simple text-based game and I was wondering how to write the code so that the computer REMEMBER the Marble I chose. It also remmeber the stats.

 cout << "Choose one of these: " << endl;
 cout << "A; speed = 4, attack = 3" << endl;
 cout << "Or choose" << endl;
 cout << "B; speed = 2, attack = 5" << endl;
 cin >> input;

I have two Marble and when I have used both the computer should say "No more marble". I'll also be adding more marble if some condition is reached.
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You're already storing what the use has chosen in that 'input' variable. What else are you needing?
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