What is the best, Free IDE/Compiler for beginners?

I realize this question has been asked before, but the most recent version seems outdated and I am hoping for some up-to-date advice.

I am starting C++, and need to know what the best possible IDE/Compiler would be for me. I know there is no one, single-best IDE, but I'm simply looking for good recommendations. If the best is of a high cost, that is fine by me, I'd still like to know even if I don't end up purchasing the software.

I'm quite familiar with working in Eclipse, as I have done a fair amount of programming in Java for Android apps, modifications for the game 'Minecraft', and other simple Java games of my own. If there are any IDEs around that have a similar feel to Eclipse, that'd be great, to keep me feeling right at home.

It's also fair to note that it'd be good to have a 'simpler' IDE, per se, as I am only 13. Age is but a number, but I'd still find it preferable to have an easier workspace as opposed to a complicated and advanced workspace.

Thank you for any advice / replies in advance, and happy coding!

I think you may be able to use Eclipse for c++ but I am not positive. My favorite ide is Code::Blocks but Visual Studio Express is pretty nice too (both are free). You probably can use the compiler that comes with them. Though if you want another compiler for windows there is mingw and clang and for unix g++.
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