I'm pretty new to C++. Earlyer did a bit python so I'm not that precise as I should be in cpp I guess.
Following code always gives me the Output you see on the bottom.
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Hero::Hero(string hname, int health, int mana, int atk, int def){
hname_ = hname;
health_ = health;
mana_ = mana;
atk_ = atk;
def_ = def;
void Hero::heal(int amounth){
health_ += amounth;
if (health_ >= 100){
health_ =100;
cout << hname_ + " was healed by " + (char)amounth + " and his health is now " + (char)health_ << endl;
cout << hname_ + " was healed by " + (char)amounth + " and his health is now " + (char)health_ << endl;
Dieter was healed by and his health is now d
I'm trying to add chars to ints by assigning them as char variables for the cout. If i put them ints again it returns an error message.
I already looked around a little and normally an int + char should remain an int, shouldn't it?
You can't add an int to a string, that's why you get the error message without casting to char.
But when you cast to char, you're converting the heath improvement (presumably between 0 and 100), into a single ASCII character. For example, if you add 32 to health, then (char)amounth is a space.
You need to output the different types separately: cout << hname_ << " was healed by " << amounth << " and his new health is now " << health_ << endl;
Note that this also more efficient because you aren't creating a bunch of temporary strings.