Can't find the error in the code

Hey Guys

I'm watching a tutorials by Buckys C++ eps. 13.
link (
And in this eps. his writting down a code (Hi is telling us that is the wrong way too use the "Class" and "objeckt". But it occordet a error so must find out wats wrong)
And i can't find i way why this is not working...
So i'm seeking the answere online.
(I'm sorry if I may have bad Englsih)

[output]#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

class ErronsClass
string name;

int main()
ErronsClass Eclass; = "Hello World!" << endl;
cout << name;
return 0;
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Please use code tags, it makes the code much easier to read for all of us.

Anyway, your problem is the line where you are assigning "Hello World" to The '<< endl;' bit doesn't make any sense in terms of a string, it only makes sense when combined with an output stream (like cout). Try this instead:
int main() {
    ErronsClass Eclass; = "Hello World!";
    cout << << endl;
    return 0;
Thx NT3! It did work, and now I can learing on in peace...
And by the way, how do I use code tags?
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If you look at the side bar, there is a thing with 'Format:', and a whole bunch of little buttons underneath it. Select your code and click the one that shows a '<>' symbol. Alternately, you can do the same thing by writing:
[code]Your code goes here[/code]
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