I am writing a program that asks the user to enter sales for five stores and should have a bar graph below right now I dont have the bargraph labeled I just want to make sure my astericks are correct first. For some reason my code is not moving the astericks so I must have programmed something wrong with them because when I try sales[0], sales[1], etc at the bottom it will at least pull the output that I typed in.
The sales array holds integer types - at line 20 you're trying to put the * character into the integer array.
line 17 - if you start i at 1 - you're going to miss store 1's data which is in the 0 element of sales array.
Also line 17 - sales[storeNum] / 100 - what if they have sales of 640 (or really, anything over 499). The largest i can be at line 19 is 4 because the array has 5 elements (0,1,2,3,4).