I can't find these files.

My compiler, "netbeans" cannot find iostream and idk where it could be, is there a place i can download the files? I can't progress in the tutorial until i get them.
They should be inside your "bin" or "include" or a similarly named folder. Also, check that your include directories point to the correct places.
I looked in bin and all there is, is the exe for netbeans. and there is no include folder, i tried searching for those files using windows search function but nothing comes up.
Hrm...try re-downloading/installing netbeans then, maybe you installation wasn't set up right.
I just re-installed it with just the C++ version and i still cannot find the files.
Oo I dunno what the problem is...maybe netbeans doesn't come with the files (idr if netbeans comes with a compilier or not) :/
Ok, wait I'm sorry, isn't a compiler a program that allows you to type out code and test it?
A compiler is what compiles your code into an object files and stuff (generally the header files come with it I think [although I could be wrong]).
NetBeans doesn't come with C++ compiler for default, see http://www.netbeans.org/community/releases/67/cpp-setup-instructions.html
Well, I got the compiler working but i still dont know where to get the files.
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