I am writing a header file dealing with class I have named account. I have to go over a list on accounts and put it into a file as well as create a list of accounts in a file. I know they both have to do with an input and output file. Write a function that prints an array of accounts to a file; The output file must have the following format:
accountNum1 ssn1 name1 balance1
accountNum2 ssn2 name2 balance2
accountNumN ssnN nameN balanceN
I am not sure how to write this in my header file and I am very stumped. I have as follows:
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void accounts2file(std::string ofname, Account accounts[], int numaccounts){
//array of accounts to file
std::string filename = "outfile.txt";
std::ofstream outFile;
if (outFile.fail()){
std::cout<< "The File was not opened" << std::endl;
outFile << numaccounts << std::endl;