Near the beginning of the tutorial, it starts going into octal (8-base) and hexadecimal (?-base) numbers.
Being a person with little to no experience with these sorts of numbers, would someone like to explain how they work and the significance of them in C++?
Both of those, if I'm right, are important to C++ simply because they can tell the computer large numbers without taking up a large amount of characters.
Say for example, I wanted to tell the computer the number '16', it's a small number I know, but it'll work for now, anyway, you can put 0x1 //Use the '0x' to tell the computer that is a hexadecimal number
, and the computer will know that it's sixteen.
Now sixteen is a relatively small number, but this can work for larger numbers, almost any number past sixteen if I'm correct.
If I'm at all incorrect on this, please correct me.