--------------------------SOLVED I WILL USE EVERYTHING U GAVE ME THX ALOT!-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------an you guys give me a challenge, like a program to make(ex: averaging numbers program) i'm 10 and I just joined c++ a day ago.
some of the words in c++ I know:
I find a good exercise is to browse the topics here and try if you can solve other peoples problems (you don't have to answer them if you are unsure of the solution). You might stumble across answers you are after in the process.
projecteuler.net is full of wonderful problems but at age 10, I think you don't yet have the math background to do them.
Review what you've been doing in math and science class. Can you write a program to do any of it? Here are some ideas. Skip any that have terms you aren't familiar with:
- Convert miles per hour to/from kilometers per hour
- Convert centigrade to Fahrenheit
- Compute the area and/or perimeter of a rectangle from the length of the sides
Write a number guessing game program: The program picks a random number from 1 to 100. The user guesses a number and the program tells them if their guess is too high, too low, or correct.