string function

closed account (EwCjE3v7)
I have no idea on how to do the following:
Write a function that takes three strings s, oldVal and newVal. Using iterators, and the insert and erase functions replace all instances of oldVal that appear in s by newVal. Test your function by using it to replace common abbreviations, such as "tho" by "though" and "thru" by through".
Write a function that takes three strings s, oldVal and newVal
void foo(std::string& s, const std::string& oldVal, const std::string& newVal)

Using iterators, and the insert and erase functions replace all instances of oldVal that appear in s by newVal.
Use either search algorithm or find member function

Use erase to delete portion to replace and insert to add new portion

It would be easier to use replace, but your assigment requires you to use inser and erase
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