Hi ,
I am a student , I have an assignment due in Computer Science , I have to create a simple encryption program.
The main.cpp has to include a function.h file.
The Encryption method being used is the Caesar Cipher , which basically
shifts the letters of the message.
For instance "abcd" would encrypt into "defg" with 3 shifts.
But when I try this with my program I get the following in the console
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matthew@matthew-VirtualBox:~$ cd Desktop/Prac5/Task2
matthew@matthew-VirtualBox:~/Desktop/Prac5/Task2$ make
g++ -c task2functions.cpp -o Task2functions.o
task2functions.cpp:2:18: warning: extra tokens at end of #include directive [enabled by default]
g++ -static Task2.o Task2functions.o -o Caesar.out
matthew@matthew-VirtualBox:~/Desktop/Prac5/Task2$ ./Caesar.out
Enter the shift distance: 3
Enter a string to be encrypted: abcd
The original string was: abcd
The encrypted message is: [����h����{�����������������������#����M����Z����{������������������y��������������E����_����������������������������
��������0����\����l��������� ����@����M����g������������������������!�������d@@88@
x86_64Segmentation fault (core dumped)
This is the main.cpp ,
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#include <iostream>
#include <limits>
#include "task2functions.h"
using namespace std;
int main()
int shift;
cout << "Enter the shift distance: ";
cin >> shift;
cin.ignore(std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n');
string testString;
cout << "Enter a string to be encrypted: ";
cout << "The original string was: " << testString << endl;
string encrypted;
encrypted = caesarCipher(testString, shift);
cout << "The encrypted message is: " << encrypted << endl;
cout << "Decryption of the encrypted message: ";
cout << caesarCipher(encrypted, -1 * shift) << endl;
return 0;
My .h File
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#include <string>
using namespace std;
string caesarCipher(const string& text, int shift);
And the .h file's .cpp
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#include "task2functions.h"
#include string ;
using namespace std;
string caesarCipher(const string& text,int shift)
string Encrypt,output;
char c ;
string Cipher = "";
for(int a = 0 ; a < Encrypt.length();a++)
if ( isalpha(Encrypt[a]))
c = toupper(c);
c = c + shift;
c = Encrypt[a];
Cipher += c;
I'm not sure exactly how to change a char using it's integer value.
My makefile , in case there is something wrong with it
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Caesar.out: Task2.o Task2functions.o
g++ -static Task2.o Task2functions.o -o Caesar.out
Task2functions.o : task2functions.cpp
g++ -c task2functions.cpp -o Task2functions.o
Task2.o : task2.cpp task2functions.h
g++ -c task2.cpp -o Task2.o
Please , I need to finish this task within the next 16 hours !