The question is... what is the origin point for this circle?
I would expect the origin to be the center point of the circle -- ie, if you setPosition(100,100), the
center point of the circle would be at 100,100. But after a quick experiment, I found out that is not the case.
It turns out the origin of the circle is the upper-left corner of the bounding box for the circle. So setPosition(100,100) puts the
upper-left corner of the bounding rect at 100,100. This is a little clunky.
This means if all of your circles have the same X coordinate, they will align to the left, rather than on their center.
Fortunately, you can change this with the setOrigin function. By doing
you can move the origin to the center of the circle. After you do this... circles with the same X coord will align on their center.
To stack 2 circles on top of each other with no overlap, you'd need to space them out on the Y axis by the sum of their radii. Or, if you want a little overlap, you could put them a bit closer together.
Here's some changes to your program with all of this employed, and a few other cleanups. All my notes are commented:
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// convenience function to generate a white circle that is origined on the center
sf::CircleShape createSnowmanCircle(float radius)
sf::CircleShape shape(radius); // create the circle with the given radius
shape.setOrigin(radius,radius); // move the origin point to the center
shape.setFillColor(sf::Color::White); // make it white
return shape;
int main()
sf::RenderWindow window(sf::VideoMode(800,600), "Snowman :)");
// Move the creation of these circles outside the loop. They do not need to be created
// and destroyed each time the loop runs -- that is inefficient.
// Just create them once and keep them alive for the duration of the program
// Also... I changed this to an array. Any time you find yourself naming things
// foo1, foo2, foo3, etc... you're probably doing it wrong. Reconsider.
sf::CircleShape snowman[3] = {
// Put the head at 200,100
// Build the upper and lower body in relation to the head:
for(int i = 1; i < 3; ++i)
sf::Vector2f pos = snowman[i-1].getPosition(); // get the previous portion's position
pos.y += snowman[i-1].getRadius(); // offset Y coord by previous portion's radius
pos.y += snowman[i ].getRadius(); // and this portion's radius
pos.y -= 20; // subtract a bit so the portions overlap a bit
sf::Event event;
if(event.type == sf::Event::Closed) window.close();
for(auto& i : snowman) // draw all portions of the snowman in a loop
return 0;