#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
usingnamespace std;
void insertionSort(vector<int>& numbers){
typedef vector<int>::iterator iterator; // 'typedef' allows you to save a large datatype name as another.
// Therefore, 'iterator' = 'vector<int>::iterator'
for(iterator I = numbers.begin()+1; I != numbers.end(); I++){ // The iteration through the memory addresses of each element of number start with the number after the first, since the
// first element is considered sorted
iterator check = I; // Initializing the check iterator's location to the current I iteration memory location
while( (check != numbers.begin()) && (*check < *(check-1)) ){ // While the current value doesn't equal the beginning location of the vector, numbers, and the value being checked is less than the value to the left of it.
swap(*check, *(check - 1)); // Swap the check value with the value before it.
check = check - 1; // We now want to change the value we will now check to the one before the current, in the sorted list.
int main(){
vector<int> a; // Vector a is <6, 10, 3, 100, -2, 5>
insertionSort(a); // Sorting vector a with insertionSort function
for(vector<int>::iterator I = a.begin(); I != a.end(); I++){ // Displays the now sorted vector.
cout << *I << ' ';
cout << '\n';
return 0;