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string name; Name of the CPU
int threads; Number of processes it can do at a time (Move/Turn/Shoot/Sense - Move & Shoot/Turn & Shoot/Sense & Move/Turn & Sense) etc
int speed; How fast it can perform processes (Unsure how to do this)
string name; Name of the RAM module
int space; How much space to store module programs; 16 - 32 - 64 - 128 etc
string name; Name of motherboard;
const int MaxWeight; Max weight of modules it can hold
- ARMOR(Name, int defense, int weight)
- TYRES(Name, int speed, int weight)
- WEAPON(Name, int damage, int weight)
- SENSOR(Name, int range, int weight)
BATTLEBOT(Motherboard(CPU, RAM), Armor, Tyres, Weapon, Sensor)
BATTLEBOTS must be programmed before each fight. Exisiting programs can be saved/loaded before a fight ( Allows people to save good programs or try and create better ones according to how much RAM they have )
An easy to read and use syntax must be used, i.e:
MoveForward - 1 byte
Sense - 1 byte
if(Sense.Enemy): turnTowardsEnemy and FireWeapon - 2 bytes + 1 byte + 1 byte
if(Sense.HitWall): Reverse and TurnLeft - 2 bytes + 1 byte + 1 byte
if(Sense.BeenHit): Reverse - 2 bytes + 1 byte
Repeat - 1 byte
Total - 14 bytes