I am working on a Word Challenge program and I am having some trouble understanding and getting arrays to work correctly.
I do not expect a full range answer, but I would like some help anywhere/anyway I can get it.
I need the program to be able to store the players scores into an array.
I need to be able to output the total score for each player at the end of the game, in the order of highest to lowest (first place, second place, etc.)
Please bare with my newbie style of coding, I've only been at this a few months (much less time spend actually coding) and I'm still trying to get used to how everything works.
Also, might be pushing my luck here, but I am also trying to make sure that the player enters a word that starts with the random letter given each round, and of course, check a word bank text file to make sure it is an actual word. I already have a wordlist.txt (from Scrabble dictionary.)
This is what I have done so far.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <math.h>
#include <float.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <hash_set>
#include <allocators>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
//Sort of went overboard here; Prototype preparation you could say, in case something is needed
//Should be cleaned up before turning in
using namespace std;
//Global declarations
static const char randomizedLetter[] =
int stringLength = sizeof(randomizedLetter)-1;
int players, rounds;
int wordPoints(string playerWord);
int playerScores[50][4];
void intro();
string random;
char randomLetter() //Function for randomized letter
return randomizedLetter[rand() % stringLength];
int main()
//Some local declarations
int wordValue = 0;
string playerWord;
srand(time(0)); //Not sure if this is needed
cout << "Please enter the number of players (Max 4): ";
cin >> players;
cout << "\nPlease enter the number of rounds (Max 50): ";
cin >> rounds;
vector< int > amountPlayers(players);
vector< int > amountRounds(rounds);
cout << "\n\n" << amountPlayers.size() << " players.";
cout << "\n" << amountRounds.size() << " rounds.";
for (int roundCounter = 0; roundCounter < rounds; roundCounter++) //Loop for rounds
cout << "\n\nRound " << roundCounter + 1 << endl;
random = randomLetter();
cout << "\nThe round random letter is: " << random << endl;
for (int playerCounter = 0; playerCounter < players; playerCounter++) //Loop for players
cout << "\nPlayer " << playerCounter + 1 << " please enter your word: ";
cin >> playerWord;
wordValue = wordPoints(playerWord);
cout << "\nYour word '" << playerWord << "' is worth: " << wordValue << " points.\n";
//should store 'wordValue' in an array
//Post End of Game data; Total Scores and the Winner.
return 0;
void intro() //Output introduction text
cout << "Welcome to the Word Challenge Game!\n";
cout << "Who can come up with the most valuable word when given a random first letter?!\n";
cout << "Test your literary skills!\n\n";
int wordPoints(string playerWord) //Function to assign points to the players word
size_t j = 0, Value = 0;
for (j = 0; j < playerWord.size(); j++)
if (playerWord[j] == 'a' || playerWord[j] == 'A' || playerWord[j] == 'e' || playerWord[j] == 'E' || playerWord[j] == 'i' || playerWord[j] == 'I' ||
playerWord[j] == 'o' || playerWord[j] == 'O' || playerWord[j] == 'n' || playerWord[j] == 'N' || playerWord[j] == 'r' || playerWord[j] == 'R' ||
playerWord[j] == 't' || playerWord[j] == 'T' || playerWord[j] == 'l' || playerWord[j] == 'L' || playerWord[j] == 's' || playerWord[j] == 'S' ||
playerWord[j] == 'u' || playerWord[j] == 'U')
Value += 1;
else if (playerWord[j] == 'd' || playerWord[j] == 'D' || playerWord[j] == 'g' || playerWord[j] == 'G')
Value += 2;
else if (playerWord[j] == 'b' || playerWord[j] == 'B' || playerWord[j] == 'c' || playerWord[j] == 'C' || playerWord[j] == 'm' || playerWord[j] == 'M' ||
playerWord[j] == 'p' || playerWord[j] == 'P')
Value += 3;
else if (playerWord[j] == 'f' || playerWord[j] == 'F' || playerWord[j] == 'h' || playerWord[j] == 'H' || playerWord[j] == 'v' || playerWord[j] == 'V' ||
playerWord[j] == 'w' || playerWord[j] == 'W' || playerWord[j] == 'y' || playerWord[j] == 'Y')
Value += 4;
else if (playerWord[j] == 'k' || playerWord[j] == 'K')
Value += 5;
else if (playerWord[j] == 'x' || playerWord[j] == 'X' || playerWord[j] == 'j' || playerWord[j] == 'J')
Value += 8;
else if (playerWord[j] == 'q' || playerWord[j] == 'Q' || playerWord[j] == 'z' || playerWord[j] == 'Z')
Value += 10;
return Value;