A loop using an array

The problem I'm having is, i want an if/else statement to run until certain conditions within a while loop are met. Basically before this starts the user enters 4 names and then the while loop kicks in and asks the user to constantly do an if/else statement until all the names have been entered then the code moves on, the only thing is I have to assign or think I have to assign a certain point of the array to get the while loop to work, meaning say

while ( get_team_name(0) >= teamname)

I want it to basically search through all the array and not break when a certain part of the array is met? you follow?? for some strange reason im finding it really hard to explain so I apologise

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No, I'm not following.
I believe you are referring to your sports team program thing you have been working on. And you want to iterate through an array and check the team names? Just a simple for-loop will suffice. I think I remember you having 4 teams, so:

for( size_t i = 0; i < 4; ++ i ) {
     // check whatever you want with team[i]
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I did try a for loop, however it appears that if i enter an incorrect name it wont let me finish entering all the names as it only lets me enter a name 4 times so it basically runs out of loops?

I even tried combining a for loop with a while loop, it's sending me crazy this part.

Also the loop holds an if/else statement within it, thats why I thought a while loop would be easier to work with
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Basically I'm trying to get the loop to say "While it's not equal to anything inside this array then loop"

but for some strange reason can't!!
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